Rabu, 11 April 2012

latihan soal bahasa inggris

Roni and Dini study at SMP 1. Their school has a nice library. The library is not so big, but it has a lot of books, newspaper, and magazines. The book are `rranged according to a system.
The students like coming to the library. The room is air conditioned and always full of visitor. They go there to read, or borrow some books they like. They are served by Mrs. Yulia and Mr. Bahrul. These librarian have been working fo twenty years.

1. How is the library at Dini school?
A. It is nice and very big
B. It is really nice and big
C. It is quiet and nice
D. It is not so big but nice

2. How will the visitor feel when they are in the library ?
A. They'll feel cool
B. They will feel hot
C. they will feel very cold
D. they won't feel comfortable

3. How are the books arranged in the library?
They are arranged ........
A. neatly
B. orderly
C. mathematically
D. systematically

4. "They are served by Mrs. Yulia and Mr. Bahrul."(paragraf 2).
What does the word "They" refer to?
A. Mrs. Yulia and Mr. Bahrul
B. Roni and Doni
C. Librarians
D. Visitors

Rio : What do you think of show?
Rudi : Fantastic. Especially the ........ She is so talented.
Rio : I agree. She is still young, but she is very professional.
Rudi : She'll be very famous in the future, I think.
A. violinist
B. guitarist
C. harpist
D. fentist

6. Alex : You look fit. Do you always go to a fitness centre?
Rudy : Not really. I haven't got much time, but every morning I go jogging.
Alex : I see. That's why you're so fit.
Rudy : That's correct.
If you want to stay fit you should exercise ........
A. continuity
B. continue
C. continously
D. continuous

7. Dian : Welcome home. How was your holiday?
Tari : It was wonderful. I really enjoyed it. I spent two days in the Blue Mountains.
It's very beautiful there.
Dian : I ........ there twice. I plan to go there again next year.
Tari : Me too.
A. have been
B. will be
C. am
D. was

8. Let me tell you about a cute animal which can live in both places, in water and on land. This kind of animal is often used for experiments.

The animal being described is picture number ........
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Based on the pictures above, the binoculars are ........
A. cheaper than the suitcase
B. the same price as the knap-sack
C. the most expensive among them
D. less expensive than the knap-sack

10. Gandhi : ........
Lala : Yes, thank you. Can you lift this suitcase?
Gandhi : Sure.
A. Who can help me?
B. Can you help me?
C. Would you like any help?
D. Why do you need any help?

:) selamat mencoba :)

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